Thursday, September 17, 2009

Blood & Water

Ok, lemme start off with.. IT’S BEEN A HECTIC SUMMMMERR!
Time to strap on the thinking cap and start the scholar lifee. University bond here I comee. UTSC has yet seen the makings of me :)! But I am missing the high school scene.. Nothing more comforting then the drama you make it, then the drama handed to you. Anyways, I tend to only post necessary entries to help me exhale the stress and feelings I conjure. So, listen up.. or read up.. !

Behind every person, there is a hidden story… As a child growing up, I found it very difficult to learn how to trust anyone. Mama always told me to keep people at a distance, never let them get too close to you. However, it was always a problem for me to choose the “right” friends. Since I was a little girl of 3 years old, I had a best friend – that shall remain nameless – she was like my family, treated her like blood and everything. I would have given up any time of the day for her and her family. Keeping it simple and short, she took me for granted and assumptions took over her. It wasn’t long until my temper was set off and ended that friendship. We haven’t spoken or seen each other in 3 years and just the other day she was with a group of mutual acquaintances, giving me looks like she didn’t even know me. I admit, it hurt. Since then during my teenage years, I must confess; I was known to be infamous for my actions, attitude and ignorance. There were many instances where I have cornered myself in a circle of drama with the type of friends I have chosen. It came to the point where I was hated by many, envied by some, and loved by very few. Mama also always told me, what don’t kill me will make me stronger. After the encounter of a bizarre girl drama when I just turned sweet 16, I changed my relationships with girls for a very long time. Friends were carefully chosen and analyzed. So, my personality was very blunt, simple and plain. It was either you liked it or not. It didn’t matter to me whether or not you liked or disliked me. So, I carried my hot-headed mind on my shoulders, loud and proud. I would well be the realest person you’ve met or the most unfriendly person you know. In the beginning, I’m hard to get along with.. Just to see if you deserve me at my best. If you don’t meet that expectation, don’t even bother. I have many acquaintances but only some I can call my family and friends. Trust takes so long to build, easy to break and 10 times harder to rebuild. “Blood runs thicker than water” In order for blood to form, pain is required. Water is easily accessible. And at the end of the day, which one would you prefer – the one thing you worked hard to earn for or the easy way out? Now, get me?

This is why I am the way I am.

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